Monday, November 1, 2010

Air freight from Yemen and Somalia banned

Theresa May: "We will review all aspects of air freight security and work with international partners."

Unaccompanied freight flown to the UK from Somalia as well as Yemen will be banned in the wake of the cargo plane bombs, the home secretary has told MPs.

The move was based on possible contact between al-Qaeda in Yemen and Somali terrorist groups, Theresa May said.
Toner cartridges over 500g will also be banned from hand baggage on UK flights.
There was no information another attack was imminent, she said, but she confirmed a review of all aspects of air freight security.

Mrs May was speaking to MPs in the Commons after a meeting of the government's emergency planning committee Cobra.
It met on Monday following Friday's discovery of a bomb on a US-bound UPS cargo plane at East Midlands airport and a similar bomb on a FedEx plane in Dubai.
The explosive contained in the device was found after a tip-off and was not picked up by initial screening.
Investigators at East Midlands carried out a re-examination as a precaution and the bomb was found hidden in a printer cartridge posted in the Yemeni capital, Sanaa.
Two explosive devices were found on cargo planes

UK officials said the tip-off came from al-Qaeda member Jabr Al-Faifi who turned himself in to Saudi authorities two weeks ago.

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